A Democracy Tool for Kenyan citizens

Sovereign power belongs to you, the citizen. We empower you to hold your politicians accountable

Get the app today:


Here's what to expect...


Bills, Acts & Constitution

All bills, acts and constitutions in a single page. From lawyers quoting subsections, to citizens chatting with bills as soon as they are made public. We ensure that you always have access to important legislation.


Individual Accountability

Each politician has a chance to show their accomplishments in executing their individual roles. A free campaign tool maybe?

Public Outcry

File & Track Issues

Citizens now have the ability to file issues in an area and these are escalated to relevant representatives for action. Remember, an issue not solved will always appear under the responsible party.


Track Our Public Debt

Who do Kenyans owe our money to? How much? Why? Audious? Should I pay? By when? What if I don't...all these questions have been answered for you.

And many more...